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FUNDESNAP announces Call for Proposals to promote bird conservation in Bolivia

On October 11th, FUNDESNAP launched the "Conserva Aves" initiative with the intention of promoting bird conservation in Bolivia. Applicant organizations will have until November 17th, 2023 to submit their applications. Participate now and take flight!

FUNDESNAP announces Call for Proposals to promote bird conservation in Bolivia

La Paz, October 11th, 2023 – The Foundation for the Development of the National System of Protected Areas (FUNDESNAP) has announced an exciting call aimed at promoting bird conservation in Bolivia. This initiative known as “Conserva Aves” seeks to protect bird habitats through the creation and/or expansion of Protected Areas, as well as ensuring the ecosystem services that these spaces generate in nine Latin American countries, from Mexico to Chile.

From October 11 to November 17, FUNDESNAP will provide the opportunity for national organizations, community organizations, private organizations or academic entities dedicated to conservation and sustainable development to submit innovative proposals to have a significant impact on the protection of the country’s biodiversity.

In the long term, this Call for proposals will allow for the proper management of ecosystem conservation, the protection of biodiversity and environmental services, as well as the promotion of cultural values and environmental education on a small scale. In addition, the Conserva Aves program is aligned with Agenda 30×30, a global biodiversity agreement that seeks to designate at least 30% of the planet under conservation mechanisms by 2030.

Conserva Aves stands out as an unwavering commitment to nature conservation in Latin America. The Initiative is currently being developed in four countries in the tropical Andes of South America: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. It will soon be launched in Panama and Mexico. The objectives of Conserva Aves by 2028 are: (i) the conservation, protection and long-term management of at least 2 million hectares of Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) and other areas of high biological value for the protection of threatened, endemic and migratory birds; and (ii) linking nature to improve the livelihoods and rights of people living adjacent to areas through innovative economic opportunities.

The importance of this effort cannot be underestimated, as preserving the tropical Andes protects the rich diversity of birds and safeguards Latin America’s natural heritage for future generations.

This Initiative is promoted by three leading bird protection and research organizations, Audubon National Society, BirdLife International and American Bird Conservancy, and the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Environmental Funds (RedLAC). Also noteworthy is the significant investment of US$12 million by the Bezos Earth Fund.


“Today, on this special date, we are marking the beginning of a unique opportunity for institutions and organizations throughout the country to take advantage of the Initiative and create territories of life in Bolivia”.Jorge Oviedo, Executive Director of FIAES and President of RedLAC.

During the event, Sebastián Herzog, Audubon’s coordinator of the Conserva Aves Initiative, also participated, commenting that: “The greatest impact is the regionality in protecting the migratory routes of birds through the territories of life in the countries. Currently the Initiative is being implemented in Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador, with projection to 9 Latin American countries”.

Imagen de países involucrados en la Iniciativa Conserva Aves

FUNDESNAP and Asociación Armonía will be in charge of promoting this initiative in Bolivia, with the commitment to finance and support relevant projects for bird conservation in the country.

For more information visit: https://fundesnap.org/conserva-aves.html