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Field visit to 1 of the 12 projects being executed by Conserva Aves in Colombia

With a goal of more than 500 hectares, the Fundación Ecosistemas Secos de Colombia shows in a field visit the importance of the area as a migratory flyway for birds.

Visit to Conserva Aves project in Hibáracharo, Colombia

In Colombia, in the municipality of Piojó in the department of Atlántico, we conducted a field visit with the support of Fundación Ecosistemas Secos de Colombia. Conserva Aves Colombia is undertaking the creation of a new community-based protected area. This initiative is being developed in the area of influence of the El Palomar Protected Forest Reserve (Atlántico), and represents an important step forward in our joint mission.

The Conserva Aves initiative is led by the American Bird Conservancy, Audubon Americas, Bird Life and RedLAC. National partners are Asociación Calidris and Fondo Acción. The initiative is financially supported by the Bezos Earth Fund.

Find out about the other organizations that were selected for the implementation of Conserva Aves here: Meet the 12 organizations of Conserva Aves Colombia