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Conserva Aves strengthens regional articulation through an exchange of experiences with its partners

In a virtual meeting held on February 8, Conserva Aves brought together leaders from Bolivia, Peru, Mexico, and Belize, reaffirming their commitment to biodiversity conservation and the fight against climate change. The meeting highlighted transboundary articulation, the importance of local expertise and coordination in biodiversity monitoring, underscoring the initiative's potential for global impact. Leading voices of the partners celebrated the alliances and enhanced common understanding to strengthen the Initiative in the region.

Screenshot of participants in the exchange of experiences on effective articulation within the framework of the Conserve Aves Initiative.

Conserva Aves strengthens regional articulation through an exchange of experiences with its partners

In a virtual meeting held on February 8, Conserva Aves brought together leaders from Bolivia, Peru, Mexico, and Belize, reaffirming their commitment to biodiversity conservation and the fight against climate change. The meeting highlighted transboundary articulation, the importance of local expertise and coordination in biodiversity monitoring, underscoring the initiative’s potential for global impact. Leading voices of the partners celebrated the alliances and enhanced common understanding to strengthen the Initiative in the region.

This initiative is currently led by @americanbirdconservancy@audubonamericas@birdlife.americas and @RedLAC, , as well as their national partners, making it a solid and committed movement for the protection of birds and ecosystems.

On February 8, a virtual meeting of Conserva Aves partners was held, with the participation of the countries currently implementing the Initiative and new partners such as Mexico and Belize.

This active articulation is a fundamental pillar that requires special attention to increase the consortium’s resilience, but also to strengthen individual and organizational capacities, combine resources, knowledge and experiences to address common challenges more effectively, as well as optimize joint efforts to ensure greater reach and visibility of activities and achievements.

During the day, the experiences of the Bolivian partners were presented by the Foundation for the Development of the National System of Protected Areas (FUNDESNAP) and Asociación Armonía, and on the Peruvian side, by the Fund for the Promotion of Natural Protected Areas of Peru (PROFONANPE) and the organization Ecosistemas Andinos (ECOAN), who addressed the workflow of each country to comprehensively understand the needs and perspectives of each sector involved, thus contributing to a more effective and sustainable implementation of Conserva Aves. In addition, various institutions from the region were present, such as the Mexican Fund for the Conservation of Nature, the ProNatura Sur Association, the Sustainable Investment Fund (FIAS), the organization Aves y Conservación, and the Fund for Environmental Action and Children (Fondo Acción), the Calidris Association, who contributed important inputs to the open discussion held at the meeting.

During this exchange, the benefit of having a local technical team was highlighted, which facilitates regular face-to-face activities and ensures an updated knowledge of the environment. In addition, the need for cross-cutting monitoring was emphasized, identifying synergistic actions to improve follow-up by unifying indicators and defining roles among partners.

Claudia Londoño, coordinator of Conserva Aves for Asociación Calidris, Colombia, said: “I think this exchange is extraordinary, because it allows us to train ourselves and I see a great opportunity to add data at the local level that improves our understanding of what is happening in the territory. Ernesto Aramayo, Conserva’s technical coordinator for Fundesnap in Bolivia, also thanked the Initiative “for bringing us together, all projects have their expiration date, but the best thing is the friendships that are strengthened and created.

This exchange once again marks a space for direct assistance in Conserva Aves’ trajectory and is an open window for future meetings and collaborations with the Initiative.

Screenshot of the Bolivian team’s presentation during the virtual meeting on effective articulation of the Conserve Aves Initiative