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Conserva Aves partners attended the Conference “Flying Together for Birds 2023”

Flying Together for Birds 2023" Leadership Conference was attended by representatives of the Conserva Aves Initiative.

Cecilia Vides, RedLAC coordinator for Conserva Aves Initiative

In the image from left to right: Marshall Johnson and Aurelio Ramos from Audubon, next to Diego Urrejola of Cosmos Foundation of Chile, Chang-Hong Tsao of Belize Audubon Society, Natalia Arango from Fondo Acción of Colombia, Santiago Pérez of the National Network of Birdwatchers of Colombia (RNOA), and Diana Eusse of Asociación Calidris of Colombia.

Conserva Aves partners attend the Conference "Flying Together for Birds 2023"

The @audubon ‘Flying Together for Birds 2023’ Leadership Conference was attended by representatives of the Conserva Aves Initiative.

Conserva Aves is an innovative, ambitious, and long-term conservation initiative focused on the creation of subnational protected areas in nine countries of Latin American and the Caribbean  region. In addition to creating protected areas for birds, the Initiative supports indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples, rural and local communities, non-governmental organizations, and local governments in the creation, expansion or recognition, management, and financial sustainability of new subnational areas.

Conserva Aves is an initiative led by @americanbirdconservancy, @audubonamericas, @birdlife.americas and @RedLAC, with financial support from @bezosearthfund.

The initiative was presented through a panel discussion, standing out as a tangible reminder of the genuine commitment to conservation. The panel presented the Initiative’s progress after two years, its projections for intervention in new countries and the role of the Network of Environmental Funds of Latin America and the Caribbean (RedLAC).

The panel was opened by Marshall Johnson, Chief Conservation Officer of the National Audubon Society, with the participation of Aurelio Ramos, Senior Vice President of Audubon Americas; Sebastian Herzog, Director of Protected Areas Strategy of Audubon Americas; Cecilia Vides, Coordinator of Conserva Aves for RedLAC; Ian Davidson, Regional Director of the BirdLife International Secretariat for the Americas, and Natalia Arango, Executive Director of Fondo Acción of Colombia.

In the framework of the Conference, awards were given to @FondoAccion, which was awarded as “Best Audubon Partner in the Americas”, as well as to Asociación Calidris, BirdLife partner in Colombia, for its invaluable contribution to the conservation and protection of biodiversity in the region.

The combination of Conserva Aves’ outstanding participation and recognition of these partners enriched the conference, underscoring the importance of strong partnerships in the fight for bird conservation. These events reflect the continued commitment of these organizations to creating a brighter future for our birds and natural ecosystems.