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Conserva Aves was presented to RedLAC partners as the flagship initiative for the protection of life territories

"Conserva Aves" is an initiative that seeks the creation and management of subnational protected areas. The project aims to create and expand 100 or more subnational protected areas in nine countries.

Alex Portillo, RedLAC's Communications Coordinator

Cecilia Vides, RedLAC's Coordinator of Conserva Aves, presenting the Initiative.

Conserva Aves was presented to RedLAC partners as the flagship initiative for the protection of life territories

In an exciting chapter of the XXV Assembly of the Network of Environmental Funds of Latin America and the Caribbean (RedLAC), which was held on October 22 in the Inca Imperial City of Cusco, Peru, a key moment in the agenda was marked by the presentation of the Conserva Aves Initiative to 27 RedLAC partner members. During the presentation, the Initiative’s short-term goals and projections were presented, as well as the progress made by the 4 partner members of the network that are implementing the Initiative.

Conserva Aves is an innovative, ambitious, long-term project focused on the creation of subnational protected areas in nine countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. The sustainable management of these areas will generate sustainable livelihoods for indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples, rural and local communities, non-governmental organizations, and local governments.

The Initiative has among its goals the creation or expansion of at least 100 new protected areas, equivalent to two million hectares in nine countries, strengthening the migratory routes used by birds in the region, guaranteeing the protection of biodiversity and current ecosystem services.

“An alarming new study shared through one of our partners, Audubon, reveals that the North American bird population has declined by nearly 30% since 1970, equivalent to nearly 3 billion birds missing… So, I invite partners to join the Initiative and do something to recover our bird populations and protect our forests before it’s too late,” said Cecilia Vides, RedLAC Coordinator for Conserva Aves.

This meeting gave attendees the opportunity to understand in depth the relevance of this proposal, as well as the call to action in the search for new partnerships in the region and an active involvement in the preservation of the Territories of Life that Conserva Aves promotes.

Within the presentation, the partnership between the Sustainable Environmental Investment Fund of Ecuador (FIAS) and the Initiative took place, which closes the first phase of countries funded (Colombia, Peru and Bolivia) by the great contribution of @bezosearthfund. Additionally, it is expected that by 2024 other financial resources will be available for the Initiative to open its wings in Mexico and Panama, through its RedLAC partners in those countries.

Currently this initiative is led by @americanbirdconservancy, @audubonamericas, @birdlife.americas and @RedLAC, making it a solid and committed movement for the protection of birds and ecosystems.