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Conserva Aves announces two Open Calls for Proposals for the creation of Territories of Life in Colombia and Bolivia

Conserva Aves, led by the National Audubon Society, BirdLife International, American Bird Conservancy, and the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Environmental Funds (RedLAC), is encouraging the participation of organizations to submit proposals for the creation and expansion of regional, municipal, public and private protection areas, as well as for the implementation of management and financial sustainability plans in Colombia and Bolivia.

Credit: Niky Carrera

Landscape of La Guajira, Colombia.

Conserva Aves announces two Open Calls for Proposals for the creation of Territories of Life in Colombia and Bolivia

Conserva Aves is a long-term conservation initiative for birds, biodiversity and ecosystem services in Latin America. With a focus on protecting at least two million hectares of Key Biodiversity Areas, the project seeks to leave a conservation legacy in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.

Espátula rosada (Platelea ajaja) en El Palmarito, Colombia. Crédito: Luis Cano
Roseate spoonbill (Platelea ajaja) in El Palmarito, Colombia. Credit: Luis Cano

Call for Proposals in Colombia

Under the slogan “Protecting the habitat of our birds”, the Call for Proposals in Colombia aims to co-finance projects for the creation or expansion of regional, municipal conservation areas or private reserves. The project seeks to protect priority areas for threatened, endemic or migratory birds, as well as the design of management and sustainability plans.

In Colombia, implementation will be carried out by Fondo Acción, a Colombian private fund with more than 20 years of experience in sustainable investments in the environment and children; and Asociación Calidris, a civil society organization focused on improving knowledge of birds and contributing to their conservation.

The call seeks proposals to co-finance the creation or expansion of new conservation areas that include regional, municipal or private protected areas or the nomination and registration of priority areas for birds, and the design of their management and sustainability plans.

Eligible organizations may be: National non-profit Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO)’s, community-based organizations and temporary unions. The deadline for submitting project profiles is February 11, 2024 at 23:59 p.m. (Colombia time).

For more information, visit:https://fondoaccion.org/2023/11/10/conv-ca-2/

Trogón curucuí (Trogon curucui). Crédito: Sebastian Herzog.
Blue-crowned trogon (Trogon curucui). Credit: Sebastian Herzog.

Call for Proposals in Bolivia

The “Conserva Aves – Bolivia” aims the creation or expansion of regional and municipal protected areas in Bolivia.

Focusing on the conservation of threatened, endemic and migratory birds, the initiative seeks proposals that include management plans, financial strategies and the identification of local avifauna. In Bolivia, implementation will be carried out by FUNDESNAP, a Bolivian foundation specialized in supporting the National System of Protected Areas at the national and sub-national levels; and Asociación Armonía, a conservation organization with experience in natural area protection and local work.

In Bolivia, proposals will be co-financed for the creation or expansion of new regional and municipal, public and private protected areas for the conservation of threatened, endemic and migratory bird species in decline in areas prioritized by Conserva Aves.

The call is open to national NGOs, community-based organizations, academic entities and temporary unions. Indigenous organizations are also encouraged to participate. The deadline for receipt of project profiles is January 22, 2024 at 23:59 Bolivian time.)

For more information, visit: https://fundesnap.org/segunda-convocatoria-conserva-aves-bolivia/

Both calls will follow a two-phase process: the first phase involves the submission of project profiles, and the second phase is the preparation of full proposals for the profiles shortlisted in phase 1. The evaluation of the projects will be carried out with specific dates for each stage.

With these investments, Conserva Aves is committed to continuing to create Territories of Life in the region. This funding is thanks to the Bezos Earth Fund, for its $12 million donation.

“This historic investment shows that Bezos Earth Fund shares our determination to put nature at the center of attention in the face of existing biodiversity and climate emergencies”. BirdLife International.