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1st Conserva Aves Call for Proposals in Peru

Under the leadership of PROFONANANPE and ECOAN (RedLAC and BirdLife International partner in Peru, respectively) we have activated our open call throughout Peru to fund the best proposals for the creation and management of subnational protected areas under technical criteria of feasibility, relevance, impact and sustainability.

Credits: Thibaud Aronson

Marvelous Spatuletail (Loddigesia mirabilis)

Call for Peru

Aply here!


Conserva Aves is the protection of territories of life. It is an innovative, bold and visionary initiative for effective nature conservation led by the American Bird Conservancy, Audubon, BirdLife International and the Network of Environmental Funds in Latin America and the Caribbean (RedLAC), which seeks to promote climate resilience and sustainable development.

Conserva Aves will promote the creation, consolidation, management and strengthening of 100 or more new subnational strategic protected areas (regional, municipal, ethnic and private territories), covering more than two million hectares in, initially, nine Latin American countries (Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru and Chile) between 2022 and 2028. Conserva Aves will build a conservation legacy that will address protection gaps for many threatened endemic and migratory birds.

Who can participate?

This call is open to the following organizations:

Local or international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) dedicated to conservation, economic and community development, academic institutions, indigenous organizations, community organizations or private sector representatives interested in the sustainable use of natural resources that have resources to invest in the initiative or with sustainable subnational protected area projects with a four-year projection can participate.

The organizations must have a legal status independent of any government entity.

They must have the capacity, in accordance with national legislation, to receive donations and manage them transparently through an independent bank account.

Proposals may also be submitted in alliance with another organization, designating one as the lead organization.

Experience, technical capacity and the availability of at least 100 hectares to enable effective and sustainable subnational protected area conservation projects to be developed.


This call considers the following two investment priorities:

Creation of new regional, municipal, communal, communal, indigenous, or private protected areas in priority areas for birds, including the design and implementation of management plans and financial sustainability.

Expansion of existing regional, municipal, communal, indigenous, or private protected areas in priority areas for birds, strengthening management plans and financial sustainability.

Submit your proposal and contribute to the sustainable future of our natural heritage.

Deadline for applications: August 21, 2023.

For more information and application forms, visit our website.