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1st Conserva Aves Call for Proposals in Colombia selected the winning projects to manage new territories of life

The initiative for the protection of territories of life, Conserva Aves, selected 12 projects to co-finance in Colombia to create and manage protected areas for the benefit of threatened endemic and migratory birds and their people.

Credits: equipo Conserva Aves

Winning proposals Colombia

1st Conserva Aves Call for Proposals in Colombia

In its first call, the initiative received more than 40 proposals from different regions of the country aimed at creating or expanding regional, municipal, public and private protection areas, as well as implementing management and financial sustainability plans.

After an arduous evaluation process, 12 organizations were selected whose proposals stood out for their comprehensive contribution to bird habitat conservation. These include orinoco savanna ecosystems, basal humid forests, Andean forests, and dry ecosystem forests. The latter are critical priority sites for protection due to their low representativeness and coverage in the National System of Protected Areas.

Thanks to these projects, more than 28,000 hectares will be protected in 12 municipalities in 9 departments of the country. This is a crucial contribution to the national commitments agreed upon in the Biodiversity and Climate Conventions.

Direct strategic investments

In parallel to the projects chosen by Fondo Acción in Colombia, American Bird Conservancy (ABC) -partner of the initiative- has signed eight contracts aimed at strengthening territories of life. Six contracts for the creation of protected areas and two to expand two existing protected areas in the country. With an investment of $250,411, about 14,572 hectares will be safeguarded, which are home to key species such as: Gorgeted Puffleg (CR), Antioquia Brishfinch (CR), Blue-billed Curassow (CR), Cundinamarca Antpitta (EN), Baudo Guan (EN), Black-and-chesnut Eagle (EN), Magdalena Tapaculo (EN).

About Conserva Aves

Conserva Aves aims to safeguard threatened endemic and migratory birds, their habitats and their people: throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, by protecting at least two million hectares of key sites of immeasurable environmental, economic and social value.

The resources to co-finance this first call come from the support and commitment of the Bezos Earth Fund, a philanthropic organization committed to the fight against climate change and the protection of nature, and Fondo Acción.  This initiative is the result of the collaborative work of National Audubon Society, BirdLife International, American Bird Conservancy and the Network of Environmental Funds of Latin America and the Caribbean in search of protecting biodiversity, promoting climate resilience and sustainable development. Its execution and implementation in Colombia is led by Fondo Acción, with the support of the Calidris Association, a BirdLife partner, which is in charge of monitoring and training protocols.

Meet the selected ones