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Last Chance! The deadline to apply for the Conserve Birds and Protect Peru’s Biodiversity Initiative is extended

Conserva Aves launched a call for proposals to fund conservation projects in key biodiversity areas in Peru, with a focus on the protection of threatened, endemic and migratory birds. The deadline has extended for submitting proposals until September 1, 2023.

Vultur gryphus or "andean condor" catalogued as an endangered species in Peru.

Last Chance! The deadline to apply for the Conserve Birds and Protect Peru's Biodiversity Initiative is extended.

The Conserve Birds Initiative seeks to protect bird habitats through the creation and/or expansion of Protected Areas, as well as to ensure the ecosystem services that these areas generate in nine Latin American countries from Mexico to Chile. The strategy seeks to finance the creation or expansion of conservation areas and the implementation of management and financial sustainability plans. Each project can receive up to $150,000 as funding.

The first phase of the Conserve Birds Initiative is being implemented in four countries in the tropical Andes of South America: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. The second phase is expected to expand to other countries in the region.

Conserva Aves has launched a call for proposals to finance conservation projects in key biodiversity areas in Peru, with a focus on the protection of threatened, endemic and migratory birds. The deadline for submitting proposals is September 1, 2023.

The initiative, led by the National Audubon Society, BirdLife International, American Bird Conservancy, and the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Environmental Funds (RedLAC), with its national partners: Fondo Ambiental del Perú (Profonanpe) and BirdLife partner Ecosistemas Andinos (ECOAN), seeks to support the creation and expansion of subnational protected areas in Latin America and the Caribbean. This initiative counts with a significant investment of US$12 million by the Bezos Earth Fund.

The call is open to indigenous peoples, community organizations, academics, NGOs and the private sector interested in the sustainable use of natural resources. Proposed areas must be in priority zones and host threatened bird populations.

The objectives of Conserva Aves al 2028 are:

(i) the conservation, protection, and long-term management of at least 2 million hectares of Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) and other areas of high biological value for the protection of threatened, endemic, and migratory birds;

(ii) linking nature to improve the livelihoods and rights of people living adjacent to areas through innovative economic opportunities.

For applications visit: https://profonanpe.org.pe/concurso-conserva-aves/