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CLOSED: First Call for Proposals in Bolivia

On Wednesday, October 11, the "Conserva Aves" Bolivia initiative was launched in the city of La Paz, with the purpose of inviting institutions and organizations at the national level to participate with proposals for the creation and sustainable management of subnational protected areas to safeguard endangered, endemic and migratory birds and their habitats in the national territory.


High-Profile Conservation Partnership Includes National Audubon Society, BirdLife International, American Bird Conservancy and RedLAC members.

Who can participate?

The following are eligible to participate: i) National non-profit Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO's) dedicated to biodiversity conservation and sustainable development; ii) Community-based organizations (e.g., formally constituted indigenous, aboriginal campesino, intercultural and Afro-Bolivian social organizations, TCO/ TIOC); iii) Organizations governed by private law and with work and experience in biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. (iii) Organizations governed by private law and with work and experience in biodiversity conservation in any of its land use planning modalities; (iv) Academic entities with work and experience in biodiversity conservation as partners in the technical part; (v) Temporary unions between any of the above.


The call for proposals contemplates two investment priorities: i) The creation of new regional, municipal, ethnic territory (ICCA) or private protected areas in priority areas for birds, and the design of their management and sustainability plans; ii) The expansion of existing subnational protected areas (regional, municipal, ICCA or private) in priority areas for birds, and the strengthening of their management and sustainability plans.

Maximum amount per project

$100,000 USD

Call Period

October 11 to November 24, 2023
