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Conserva Aves in Bolivia supports the creation and management of 8 new subnational protected areas

With the fundamental mission of protecting endangered endemic and migratory birds and their habitats, Conserva Aves en Bolivia has made rapid progress in its two implementation modalities, with eight new sites beginning the process of being declared subnational protected areas.

Photo credit: Steffen Reichle.

Photograph of Cock-tailed Tyrant (Alectrurus tricolor), categorized as a globally threatened species.

Conserva Aves in Bolivia supports the creation and management of 8 new subnational protected areas

Conserva Aves has innovative implementation mechanisms, either as direct investments or calls for proposals, both of which are effective ways for the initiative to promote its conservation goals.

As a result of the first call for proposals launched in Bolivia through the Foundation for the Development of the National System of Protected Areas (Fundación para el Desarrollo del Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas (FUNDESNAP, by its acronym in Spanish) and the Asociación Civil Armonía, three projects have already been selected and are currently being implemented that are working to protect new territories of life that will cover a conservation area of more than 305,396 hectares. The projects are:

-“Establishment of a 65,000 hectare departmental protected area adjacent to the Poopó and Uru Uru Lakes for the conservation of aquatic birds, with emphasis on flamingos and migratory species. The technical implementation of the project will be carried out by the organization BIOTA.

-“Strengthening the biological and socio-cultural corridor of Iténez in the municipality of Baures by creating a protected area of 165,624 hectares. The local organization FAUNAGUA is in charge of this project.

-“Contribution to the creation of a high Andean ecological corridor of 74,772 hectares for the movement of migratory birds in the Chilenas River, Potosi. The technical implementation will be carried out by the organization PROMETA.

On the other hand, the evaluation of proposals for the second call for proposals is nearing completion, so the new projects selected in Bolivia will be announced in a few weeks.

In terms of direct investments, Conserva Aves has national partners that support initiatives that contribute to habitat conservation and raise awareness of the importance of conserving three endemic species in Bolivia, through the following projects:

-“Protecting and restoring the habitat of the Apolo Cotinga (Phibalura boliviana)” which includes the creation of at least 1,000 hectares of Community Protected Areas through conservation agreements with indigenous and peasant communities. The technical execution is led by Asociación Civil Armonía.

-“Creation of protected areas for the endemic species Tororoi or Masked Antpitta (Hylopezus auricularis) in the municipality of Riberalta. This project provides for the creation of two Municipal Integrated Management Natural Areas (ANMI, by its acronym in Spanish), which will protect a total of 18,971 hectares. The project is coordinated by the Asociación Civil Armonía.

-The project “Creation and Management of the Comarapa and Saipina Protected Areas for the Red-fronted Macaw (Ara rubrogenys)”, which provides for the creation and management of two ANMI’s in the respective municipalities of Comarapa and Saipina, which together will protect 3,324 hectares that include nesting and feeding areas for the macaws. The technical implementation will be led by Natura Bolivia.

Conserva Aves is synonymous with participation and empowerment. One of its main pillars is the active involvement of civil, community, public and private actors in the sustainable management of the new subnational protected areas. With the creation of these new subnational conservation units, it is expected that a significant number of migratory, endemic and threatened bird species will be protected and that healthier ecosystems will be maintained, not only for these vulnerable species, but for biodiversity in general.

Protected areas are an effective strategy for conservation, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, and provide a high return on investment in their protection. Proper management allows for the combination of scientific research, long-term ecosystem conservation, biodiversity, ecosystem functions and cultural values, environmental awareness and education, tourism and recreation, among others.

Through these investments, Conserva Aves is committed to continue creating Territories of Life in the region, hand in hand with our local partners and the support of the Bezos Earth Fund.